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German politicians voted to approve the expansion of the European Financial Stability Facility, or EFSF, marking a win for Chancellor Angela Merkel. I wonder what the German equivalent of the Tea Party will be dubbed. [Financial Times]The German vote on the bailout now sets the stage for more anti-crisis steps, including further writedowns on Greek sovereign bonds. [Bloomberg]Looking ahead, a key road map for the major events ahead in the euro zone. [Dow Jones]Quote of the Day"I have real concerns about trying to fine-tune and micro-manage the economy when monetary policy is a blunt tool," Kansas City Federal Reserve President Thomas Hoenig said of the central bank's plan to depress long-term interest rates. [Bloomberg]Company NewsCitigroup(C) CEO Vikram Pandit expects to return capital to shareholders. As if the penny-per-share dividend wasn't enough. [Wall Street Journal]Mike Lynch, the CEO of recent Hewlett-Packard(HPQ) acquisition Autonomy, has a bad case of amnesia or stupidity. Too bad Oracle(ORCL) took notice. [FT Alphaville]When Google's(GOOG) Android operating system does well, so does Microsoft(MSFT)[. Paris Lemon]MarketsThe problems in Europe have sparked a debt crunch, with corporate bond issuance hitting the lowest levels since early 2009. [Telegraph]The Nasdaq could have been the star quarterback in leading the rally, but instead the tech-heavy composite fumbled the ball. [MarketWatch]All-or-nothing days are now the norm, not the exception. [Bespoke Investment]Volatility in the market is losing steam. [Surly Trader]Investment StrategyRare-earth companies are under pressure because buyers like Toyota(TM) and General Electric(GE) are looking for alternatives. [Bloomberg]Your chart of the day: Gold looks to repeat the performance of the Red Sox. [Hedgeye]Reasons to stay short in this market. [Quint Tatro]After his disastrous investment in Eastman Kodak(EK), it's even more puzzling to look at Bill Miller's other holdings now. [Random Roger]Odds and EndsFortune ranked the most powerful women in business. Kraft's(KFT) Irene Rosenfeld is at the top; Carol Bartz is notably absent. [Fortune]An 11-year-old girl is taking on Procter & Gamble(PG) over a product name. Corporations always come out of lawsuits like this one looking good, don't they? [NYT DealBook]If there was any doubt Facebook isn't just another gigantic corporation, it's now lobbying on Capitol Hill. [Roll Call]A friend who is a money manager and a Yankees fan took glee in sending me a link to this video earlier in the week. After the completion of the Red Sox collapse last night, I guess I have to run with it today. [YouTube].>To follow Robert Holmes on Twitter, go to>To submit a news tip, send an email to:
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