Wednesday, October 3, 2012

AT&T Halts iPhone Pre-Orders; Apple Runs Out Of White Phones

AT&T (T) has suspended taking pre-orders for the new Apple (AAPL) iPhone 4, the company said in a statement, as demand for the new phone reached 10x the level experienced on the first day of sales for the iPhone 3Gs last year.

Here’s the text of AT&T’s statement:

Phone 4 pre-order sales yesterday were 10-times higher than the first day of pre-ordering for the iPhone 3G S last year. Consumers are clearly excited about iPhone 4, AT&T’s more affordable data plans and our early upgrade pricing.

Given this unprecedented demand and our current expectations for our iPhone 4 inventory levels when the device is available June 24, we’re suspending pre-ordering today in order to fulfill the orders we’ve already received.

The availability of additional inventory will determine if we can resume taking pre-orders.

In addition to unprecedented pre-order sales, yesterday there were more than 13 million visits to AT&T’s website where customers can check to see if they are eligible to upgrade to a new phone; that number is about 3-times higher than the previous record for eligibility upgrade checks in one day.

We are working hard to bring iPhone 4 to as many of our customers as soon as possible.

Attempt to sign up for new service at, and you get a pop-up window that reads “Pre-orders for iPhone temporarily suspended.”

On Apple’s web site, the while iPhone 4 is simply not available. “White iPhone currently unavailable for pre-order or in-store pickup,” the site says. You can pre-order a black iPhone 4, but the ship date shown is now July 2.

AAPL is up $5.35, or 2.1%, to $265.04.

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