Monday, July 23, 2012

WalletPop joins the Personal Finance Weight Loss Challenge

Being big costs money; it's a simple fact that obesity and being overweight puts a strain both your health and your wallet, which is why this blogger has joined 30 other personal finance bloggers to get fit and share our experience with our readers along the way. The Personal Finance Weight Loss Challenge, which has been organized by PF blogger Baker at Man Vs. Debt will be an exciting contest filled with plenty of posts to help you get in shape with us.

For the next 60 days, I will be joining the Beta team made up of Jessica at Penny Wise Family, Matt at Debt Free Adventure, Miranda at Yielding Wealth and Savings Not Shoes at PennyPence to lose a combined 100 pounds. My personal goal will be to lose 18 pounds, which will bring me within 15 pounds of my lowest adult weight, which I achieved in high school thanks to Richard Simmons and his wonderful Deal-a-Meal program.

This time around I won't be relying on a mealtime abacus to drop the pounds, but instead I'll be going back to the basics; focusing on eating less and working out more. I've also sworn off buying any fitness related bric-a-brac to clutter up my apartment. I've justified too many purchases over my lifetime, including iPods, new shoes, clothes and all kinds of fitness accessories, by convincing myself that this one item is what will finally keep me on the treadmill. This time around I'll be making use of all my past false starts instead of spending more money.

While I have always contended that eating healthy foods is more expensive, my belief is that by eating less junk and focusing on in season sale priced produce, I can come out ahead at the grocery store. Like our own Meg Massie, I'll be taking an inventory of what kind of food I spend money on,and looking at the money I can save by eating healthy. I'm a little worried about what the numbers will say when I look up how much money I actually spend on junk food or on eating out, but sharing it with you will be another means of shaming myself into better habits.

So stay tuned for more posts on the relationship between your waistline and your wallet, as Team Beta tries to win the Personal Finance Weight Loss Challenge. All of us bloggers will do our best to make sure that nothing we learn goes to waste, even if it's a failed attempt at saving money in our quest for better health.

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